Weber - Hurd Funeral home, located in chillicothe, illinois

The Weber - Hurd Funeral Home is centrally located at 1107 North Fourth Street in Chillicothe Illinois. We are a family owned and operated funeral home that is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Feel free to contact us any time if you have a question or would like to make arrangements.

1107 North Fourth Street
Chillicothe, Illinois

Phone: (309) 274-3112

Email the Funeral Home

Proudly serving the communities of Edelstein, West Hallock, Akron, Dunlap, Hopewell, Sparland, Lacon, Spring Bay, Oak Ridge and Metamore Illinois.

Did you know?

What happens when a cemetery runs out of land?

When a cemetery runs out of land, it will continue to operate and serve the community.  Most cemeteries have crematoriums, and some historic cemeteries even offer guided tours.

In a hundred years will this cemetery still be there?

We think of cemetery lands as being in perpetuity.  There are cemeteries throughout the world that have been in existence for hundreds of years.